
Jan 6, 20212 min

Falling in love with Taipei, 2008

It’s a bit strange to be writing about a trip from 2008 in 2021 but, it makes me really appreciate the adventures had during my earlier years.

In 2008, with my newfound “freedom” and some limited cash flows, I set off to discover Taiwan with 2 close friends (incl 1: local). I had applied to do an exchange abroad to Taipei later that year so I wanted to learn as much as possible before setting off on my own.

Thanks to my discount with AC, the trip was moreorless FREE (nominal flight cost & free accommodations). Looking back, we really DIDNT do VERY much for that week. But, everything was so new and shiny, even the most mundane activity was life altering for a young 19 year old Sarah.

Big memories:

  • Falling in love with the Taiwanese Breakfast joints (still can’t pronounce DanBing / Bin? )

  • Falling even more in love with the ridiculous number of night markets. Life altering.

  • Eric kicking us out of his grandma’s place last minute and sticking us in a nearby hotel across the street. It was clean & cheap = no complaints. He also offered to stay with us to watch over us (phew). Years later, we found it was a love hotel of sorts. So, while cramming 3 teenagers in 1 bed, I recall being sandwiched in the middle (why!?) and houdini-ing out of the blankets during the night. Yet, dear Eric would think I’m cold and bundle me back. Life’s challenges.

  • Discovering the ridiculous number of night clubs (free for girls / all you can drink). Later on, we discovered they were all duds but poor 19 year old Sarah loved the concept at the time.

  • Lastly, visiting my future school at NCCU. At this particular moment, I believe this is when I realized my dear Eric did NOT put too much attention into my initial inquiries when applying for my exchange semester. I believe it went something like this:

S: Which school should I go to? This NTU or NCCU?

E: NCCU, that’s the best one! Super local. IT’s great!

Months later…..

S: Eric…. You sent me to the SFU of Taipei. NTU is the UBC/central school.

E: .....

More months later…

@ the physical school in the middle of nowhere

S: I will kill you.

E: errrr….

Despite such carelessness, I am still so grateful to have gone to NCCU (hope dear Eric never see this). The school was much smaller in comparison to NTU. The cohort was less than 40 international students and made for a much better experience.

I've since visited Taipei at least 5 times in 10 years. It will forever hold a special place in my heart.
