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In 2011, I set off with 3 other gals to travel and explore Europe. At 23, with limited funds, the obvious choice would be to backpack our way around. But, we were either too nervous or stuck up and opted for proper hotels instead. Again, limited funds so hotel = 1 bed between 4 girls. It was not a pretty sight but we survived. 


Writing this in 2021 makes it difficult to remember all the details. This milestone journey was before the days of accessible data (XG at the time) or reliable cell phones. I recall printing EVERYTHING and memorizing maps to the best of my abilities. Life was definitely different! But all the more adventurous. 



  1. Paris (& Strasbourg) France 

  2. London, UK 

  3. Amsterdam, Netherlands 

  4. Berlin, Germany

  5. Munich, Germany

  6. Venice, Italy

  7. Rome, Italy

  8. Barcelona, Spain

  9. Nice, France


  • Beef Tartare for the first time in France. Life changing. 

  • Discovering Primark in UK. Shopping like queens. 

  • Hating the food in Germany (but loving the prices). 

  • Attempting to be models while strolling Venice streets (sunglasses = 99% success rate)

  • Desperately trying to communicate in Venice (with limited success). Somehow broken Chinese saved the day. 

  • Getting scammed again, and again, and again in Rome . Still suffering PTSD. 

  • Foodgasms every moment in Barcelona

  • Again, trying to desperately communicate in a Zara in Barcelona (french came to the rescue this time)

  • Being ultra careful of pick pocketers in Barcelona . Only to accidentally drop my cell phone in the cab on the way to the airport. A monumental life fail moment. 

  • Half the party spending 12 hours in Nice, France due to a minor but major booking oversight

  • Taking on the ridiculous task to mail my boyfriend (now, husband) a postcard from each country. I was lazy so each card consisted of 1 letter: H, E, L (at this point he thought I was asking for HELP), L , O !


  • I cannot recall the costs but knowing me at 23 (and my flight passes and ultra cheap accommodation goals), I’m quite confident the 3 week trip was less than $2,000 CAD. Why? Because I remember saving enough at my minimum wage job for a number of months to save up for this momentous trip

  • This trip also taught me so much. Things that were difficult to process at that time but now, I realize it has made me stronger, braver and more aware of reality. 

  • Although so many things are different now, the beauty of these memories is that it still brings that same happiness from 10+ years ago. That is why, experiences (if memory is still intact) are truly the best investments.

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