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In 2012, I started my new career as a beady eyed wannabe-auditor with one of the Big 4. I was lucky enough to negotiate a 2 month sabbatical 6 months after starting.While planning, I soon realized not everyone was fortunate enough to take off 2 months off from work (specifically, my boyfriend). So I decided to take off to Europe by myself for 1 month and later join my boyfriend in Asia for another month.

Type of Travel:
As I did this trip solo, I had full control over living arrangements. So, hostel all-the-way. No better way to explore Europe! Especially considering hostels in Europe are great - just do your research. Didn't really do any shopping due to limited space in the backpack & limited funds. Despite those limitations, I never say no to good food. 

* international flight were heavily subsidized as such is not reflective of actual market costs

6 planes, 12 trains and 1 ferry boat ride later.. first Europe solo trip was a success. Had a blast seeing familiar faces & meeting new people from all over the world. Next up was a month in Asia.

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